Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Populate list items automatically when list definition feature gets activated

SharePoint 2010 - There was a requirement in which I had to populate 2 list items when its list definition feature gets activated.

Following is the solution:

Into Elements.xml file of list instance

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

< Elements xmlns="">

< ListInstance Title=....... ;">

< Data>

< Rows>

< Row>

< Field Name="Title">.....</Field>

< Field Name="MailBody">.....</Field>

< /Row>

< Row>

< Field Name="Title">.....</Field>

< Field Name="MailBody"></Field>

< /Row>

< /Rows>

< /Data>

< /ListInstance>

< /Elements>

Happy SharePointing.... :)

Validate CheckboxList Control with javascript to make sure atleast one checkbox is checked

While developing one page which sends mail to the selected group from the checkbox list I got requirement to impose validation to check atleast one group should be selected.

Here is the solution.....

< id="CvalGroupCheckbox" display="Dynamic" runat="server" cssclass="MsgLabel" errormessage="" clientvalidationfunction="validateGroupSelection">

< language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function validateGroupSelection(source, arguments) {
document.getElementById("").style.visibility = "hidden";
var chkSubUsers = document.getElementById('_0');
var chkTestUsers = document.getElementById('_1');

if ((!chkSubUsers.checked) && (!chkTestUsers.checked))
arguments.IsValid = false;
arguments.IsValid = true;

< /script>

Happy programming.... :)