Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Changing the default language of existing Site collection or Web

While working on one Norwegion project I thought is there a way by which we could change the language of already created site collection so that we will not need to use Google translator to translate again and again.

After googling for few mins i found this article which says there is only one way to do so and its to run the sql update query

For changing the language of all sites in the content database to Dutch the query would be:
UPDATE dbo.Webs SET Language = 1043

Changing the language of one site collection can be done with:
UPDATE dbo.Webs SET Language = 1043 WHERE SiteId = [[SiteCollectionId]]

And for changing the language of a single web or subsite you can use:
UPDATE dbo.Webs SET Language = 1043 WHERE Id = [[WebId]]

Although it not a correct way to do so but while development if you want to see buttons text in english instead of other language which you cannot read then this is good alternative.

Just goto Central admin and find the content db of desired SC, get the id using manager and run the query.

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